Greetingz Everyone
I'd just like to get a feel for a couple of issues regarding part II that I'm slightly unclear on. Firstly, I just wanna say that I have limited UML experience but I have read a mixture of UML books that covers the intricasies of Class Diagrams, Component Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams so I now feel relatively comfortable with what must be submitted.
What I am asking is for comments to my approach in tackling this assignment and inparticular some outstanding issues with respect to UML :-
1) Based on the information supplied, I am planning on constructing the class diagram first. My intentions are to keep the diagram as simple as possible. I do not intend to introduce any
J2EE components (EJB's,
JSP's etc classes) into the diagram as I feel this would cause unnecessary clutter. I believe these type of components would lend themselves to the component diagram.
My class diagram will be an extension of the BDM. I do not agree with the relationships of the BDM but I do not want to waste time with details that should have been cleared up via the business analyst. In reality, I would not second-guess business expectation or requirements. If things are unclear I would have walkthrough meetings and JAD sessions. Unfortunately, with this assignment - this is not possible. I will tackle this by stating this in my assumptions. With this in mind, I would like to know whether a class diagram MUST contain every class/object discuseed in the use cases ?
Is there a documented approach to constructing a class diagram ? i.e, must one construct it from use cases ? Or would you identify the classes and associations from a sequence diagram ?
How much *detail* is necessary to show on a class diagram ? It would appear to me that there would be a high level class diagram that just showed the top level classes (no J2EE component classes) and then a further detailed class diagram that showed attributes, methods, multiplicity. I have read that a class diagram is correct even if you just show the classes in their rectangles and draw the associations between the classes but Sun must have some idea as to the level of detail required.
Okay , I better leave it at that ...