Going through mock questions there are many on the security restrictions in
applets. The questions will state the client needs to read/write files on the local drive or make network connections to addresses other than where the applet originated from and then ask could an applet do this? In some cases the answer is yes and in some cases no. Although most browser’s default settings will not allow applets to do these things, you can configure browsers to allow applets (both signed and unsigned) to do almost anything. (Indeed I was surprised to find that in IE I could change the security settings to allow unsigned applets to read/write/delete files and open connections to other network addresses). Therefore which is the right answer? Does it depend on how the question is worded? For instance, if it is phrased as ‘is this possible’ would you answer yes and if it was worded ‘is this suitable’, than would you answer no (it would be very unwise to grant unsigned applets such privileges). Has anybody got any good advice on how to answer these questions? Indeed, I find a lot of mock questions ambiguous, are the ones in the real exam better worded?
Martin Sergeant