HI Priya,
Could you suggest any reading material for part II Exam.
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 5: paper version from Amazon, PDF from Apress, Online reference: Books 24x7 Personal blog
Hi Priya,
Congratulations !
Can you pls share ur assignmet of SCEA Part-2.
Thanks in Advance.
[email protected]
Congratulations, Priya.
Could you answer me a question?
And what's your opinion about the 1-1 relationship between the segment and the flight?
As I think a segment is a part of the itinerary reservation. And a flight is a trip of an airplane (equipment) from one city to another at specific date and time.
So it is reasonable that every segment correspond to 1 flight. But how could a flight just correspond just 1 segment (reservation).
Originally posted by Priya Patel:
I would agree with your thoughts above. I did exactly that, i.e changed the name of equipment to airplane , equipment didn't add any value to my class diagram and so i renamed it 'Airplane' and stated this in the assumptions. A flight cannot just corresspond to one segment. You need something in the middle [hint]. If you were to think back to your E.R modelling days and you had a many-to-many relationship between two entities, you would need to decompose that ? [hint]
Harvey Shen
Congratulations! Priya.
I have a question about the "deliverables" of the partII, here is the statement
=> Create either a Sequence or Collaboration diagram for each use case provided.
What confused me is that there're four "Detailed Use Cases" provided in the assignment, however there're three extra Use Cases in the "Use Case Diagram", e.g. "Create profile", "log in", "View frequent Flyer miles"
Did you provide sequence diagram for those three extra use case?
Thanks a lot.
public class Walter { public boolean is_Working_Now (boolean is_boss_Coming) { return is_boss_Coming; }
Thank you very much for your hints.
But by ?A flight cannot just correspond to one segment?, I think you mean to change the BDM even if some intermediate object is added.
I tried another explanation and it seems compliant with the BDM. But it seems a little strange.
An itinerary: A route or proposed route (of a journey). (It?s a route related only to the source and destination city and not related to customer reservations.)
A segment: A part of a route between 2 cities.
A flight: A series of trip of airplanes between 2 cities.(e.g. flight number 235 fling between NY and SF every day at 8AM)
Equipment: An airplane.
A seat: a seat in the airplane.
What?s your opinion?
Walter Wang wrote :
I have a question
if you look Use case specifiaction:
In Flow of Event secation it contains 2 parts
one is basic flow , another is alternative flows
what doest alternative flow here mean?
which flow should i adhere to for my diagram ?
public class Walter{
public boolean is_Working_Now(boolean is_boss_Coming){
return is_boss_Coming;
Dhiren Joshi Wrote :-
Congratulations Priya ,
Could you give some hint as to what you did for the change itinerary use case. I think the use case is a overkill when it says to go back to prepare itinerary. Any suggestions.. .. I cant figure out why removing a segment would necessitate the entire itinerary preparation called all over again.
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