I passed
SCEA Part II with 95.
Part II
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 42
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 42
Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 11
I'm fairly certain I know exactly how and where I lost those two points on the class diagram. The component diagram was one diagram and incorporated numerous design
patterns. I was pleased with the sequence diagrams score because one minor challenge was keeping the sequence diagrams in sync with the final tweaks to the component diagram. Some postings have recommended doing the sequence diagrams first, but I find it easier, more efficient, and more logical (if not essential) to do them last.
Thanks to JavaRanch for providing this online forum. The most helpful information I found posted here included:
1) Discussions of flight, segment, equipment, etc
2) Everyone seems to share the same difficulty of determining the extent of details to include
3) There are multiple ways to approach the solution for Part II
I would also like to thank the 30 dedicated members of Denver
Java Users Group (denverjug.org) who attended an 8-week intensive study group for SCEA Part I. Some people attended with the goal of becoming certified, while others didn't want to take the
test but wanted to learn more about architecture. Tom McQueeney, SCEA Certified, served as our SIG lead in downtown Denver. All attendees were expected to actively participate and present on topics. I highly recommend a similar approach for other JUGs around the world. Thanks Tom and everyone from that group!!!
A few resources:
"Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for
J2EE Study Guide"
by Paul Allen and Joseph Bambara
Our SIG group used this book for Part I but it proved to be inadequate and contained numerous fundamental errors. I'm hoping they come out with a better second edition.
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide
Mark Cade and Simon Roberts
Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN: 0130449164
Published March, 2002
A good resource but not comprehensive.
J2EE Patterns
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/patterns/ Online Resources from Sun
http://java.sun.com/j2ee/ Hope this helps and remember, read the instructions carefully for what is stated and not stated.
- Renee