> That sounds good to me. One question on how this is represented in the
> componenet diagram - In Cade's examples of component diagrams he shows a
> business delegate class. I'm wondering would you separate out the
> business delegate class like this in a java client component connecting
> to the business tier also?
I am not sure how to answer your question Peter because I don't know what you mean by "separate out". A UML component, as I understand the term, is a "...physical, replaceable part of a system that packages implementation and conforms to and provides the realization of a set of interfaces." A UML component diagram, on the other hand, "...shows the organization and dependencies among component types." In Java-speak, a component is a physical file like
JSP pages, Java class files, EAR files, XML descriptors, etc, and a component diagram shows how these components interact with each other when physically deployed in an environment. Although business delegate classes are logically part of the business tier (and should be pictured as such in a class or domain diagram), they are physically deployed with the presentation-tier class-files since they are used by these files to communicate with the business tier. This means that component diagrams will depict delegate class files as being physically deployed on the presentation tier.
> It's a little hard for me to conceptualize
> because the java client code is all bundled together and pushed out to
> the user.
Business delegates conceptually belong to the business tier, but are physically deployed with the presentation tier. Why? Unless they were physically deployed on the business tier, presentation class files couldn't use it to communicate with the business tier.
> My scenario assumes that it's the same code in each business delegate -
> just two different client types (web and java client) communicating with
> the business tier.
That is exactly how it should be because you are deploying the same business delegate with two different presentation-tier impelementations.