Marcelo Sousa Ancelmo - Brazil
Originally posted by abd hassan:
1- Did you have one component diagram or is it ok to have multiple component diagrams.
2- Do we really need to include attributes and methods in the class diagram?
3- Also, I'm curious as to the approach. How would you start the design? Would it be more logical to start from the class diagram after an analysis of use cases and BDOM or some other approach.[/QB]
Originally posted by abd hassan:
1- Did you have one component diagram or is it ok to have multiple component diagrams.
2- Do we really need to include attributes and methods in the class diagram?
3- Also, I'm curious as to the approach. How would you start the design? Would it be more logical to start from the class diagram after an analysis of use cases and BDOM or some other approach.[/QB]
Originally posted by Ramon Gill:
Can you give us some tips about the diagrams? especially component. Did you clone Cade?
Originally posted by Anil Vupputuri:
In Component Diagram, does Database, TransMaster go under Resource tier or EIS Tier?
Originally posted by A J Kumar:
- How many Facades you had in the component diagram in addition to the EJB Controller. Just the Booking or both Customer stateful facade and Booking stateful facade.
- Where were you storing the booked seats information. In the Segment ?
- Did you use DAO/Fast lane reader for read-only information.
Originally posted by abd hassan:
Also I was wondering if there is any place where I can get UML design diagrams for the petstore. I don't think blueprints provides anything like that.
Originally posted by aparna chintalapati:
-I had one session bean for each module. I had one stateful session bean for making reservations.
-I extended the itinerary class to store that information.
-yes, I did.
Originally posted by aparna chintalapati:
Hi Anil, I named the last tier as EIS and other subsystems..and put database, TMS, FFMS under that.
SCJP 1.5, SCEA, ICED (287,484,486)
Originally posted by aparna chintalapati:
-I had one session bean for each module. I had one stateful session bean for making reservations.
-I extended the itinerary class to store that information.
-yes, I did.
SCJP, blog
Originally posted by A J Kumar:
- I am still confused. Just trying to understand, if you didn't had the Customer stateful bean, where was you maintaining the session information.
- Did you change the BDM. If not, did you had some class named "BookedSeats" that is a subclass of Itinerary class to store booked seats information.
Originally posted by Anil Vupputuri:
1) Did you have any Manager classes in your class diagram (such as AccountManager, EmailManager and CreditCardAuthorization) as in Cade's diagram.
2) I too use Jude but observed JPEG size is too big, did u face any size problem. Is there any limitation on each JPEG size or total jar.
3) In your Component Diagram, does it follow any use case or combine all the components used in the system with layered architecture.
4) Did you show any EntityBean's, POJO's or JSP's in your Component Diagram.
5) Can we use Pattern Names as Stereotype in Component Diagram
Originally posted by Kishore Dandu:
Can't we use HttpSession to take care of reservations. Why do we need stateful session bean for the reservations part of it. Is n't that a hog( I heard people stopped using entity beans and more are doing hibernate and spring).
Originally posted by aparna chintalapati:
1) No, my class diagram did not have any of those classes.
2) I did not use Jude, I used EnterpriseArchitect from Sparx systems. I found it pretty cool. I stored my diagrams as GIF files, did not have any problem with the size. The total size of my jar file was around 450KB, and I did not face any problem uploading it.
3)Sorry, I did not understand your question, I can't figure out how a component diagram follows a use case. Anyway, in my component diagram, I clearly named the tiers with big heading, grouped the components into packages for clarity. Its just displays the various components with dependencies between them.
4)I showed the various session and entity beans in component diagram. For JSPs, I added a note with all the screen names.
5)May be you can. I added a note for components to mention about the design pattern used.
I hope I answered your questions.
SCJP 1.5, SCEA, ICED (287,484,486)
8)Deliverables : Links to all the diagrams. i had one class diagram ( with attributes and methods to some of the classes), one component diagram, 7 sequence diagrams, 5 diagrams for each usecase (these are independent of any particular client) , one diagram for web users and one for application clients.