With respect to the ejbcontroller.
1. The most complete picture is here:
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications_2e/app-arch/app-arch5.html (Access to ejb-tier for View is via BD/Facade; Access to ejb-tier for Model-update(command/events) via Event/EJBController)
(I cannot find an example where this option is used in reality); I think this option is an overkill for this assignment
2.On the sun site, there are two (almost identical) variations on this concept; The most noticable change is that the
only access to the ejb-tier is via webController-ejbController (Both for view and model update)
It is here:
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications_2e/sample-app/sample-app1.3.1a3.html (Figure 14)
and here:
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications/sample_application/mvc/index.html I like the second the most, especially because it is very well documented!!

, here:
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications/sample_application/controller/index.html What I understand from this second example;
A: The view related actions are executed from the ejbController directly.
(sort of a facade.....); e.g. getOrders
B: The commands on the model are forwarded to the state machine; that translates the actions; and performs the operations on the model.
But what really, really, really bugs me (

) is the fact that in the diagram, there is no relation between the statemachine and the Model??
How is this possible? The statemachine clearly executes operations to the Model.
All the sources are here:
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/code/jps10/src/com.sun.estore.control.ejb.index.html Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks again,
Just read some other threads on this issue;
You could also forget the ejbcontroller and just go for the solution in Cade's guide:
-> Have a controller per session facade and use a singleton service locator
(maybe throw in a business delegate).
They also got good scores on this.....
[ January 23, 2005: Message edited by: Josep Andreas ]