Hi Giju,
I dont have an idea about the 'UML with Rational
Rose', but I feel that any of the UML book would be good enough to give a foundation on UML.
I have seen your other post regarding the study guide. I would suggest you not to start with the study guide, have it as your last step before the exam.
I followed the below books,
Applying UML and Patterns by Craig Larman.
UML Distilled by Martin Fowler.
Java Beans by Richard Monson-Haefel.
Head First EJB.
Designing Enterprise Applications using J2EE.
Elements of Reusable software by Erich Gamma and others.
J2EE Design Patterns (Oreilly).
Core J2EE Patterns.
(and since Head First Design Patterns is available now you can refer that too)
Java Message Service by Richard Monson-Haefel (Oreilly).
Java Security by Scott Oaks (Oreilly).
and lots of articles from the net and ofcourse many mock exams.
I went through the Mark Cade's study guide just one month before I took the exam and it helped me a lot in recollecting things. I took almost a week to refresh the things with the study guide and for the next three weeks I took all the mock exams I could. And finally the real one.
Hope this would help you in preparing for the exam.
All the best,