Hi Guys!
I passed
SCEA part I yesterday with 81% marks. I am in
Java technolgy for the past 6 years. I gave myself
1 month's time for prepartion with approx 1 hrs daily. Here are few tips for people preparing
for this exam.
Ramu Meda's notes are excellent source. Covers Common Architectures, Internationalization and Legacy Connectivity very good. These notes are available
in SCEA yahoo group.
Here is what i did for each topic.
1) Concepts: Basic knowledge of UML is sufficient. Make sure u understand all types of diagrams etc.
2) Common Architectures: Meda's Notes
3) Legacy Connectivity: Meda's Notes
4) Enterprise JavaBeans Technology (EJB1.1): If u have been working in EJBs for more than year, just go thru the EJB1.1 specs. Walk thru the spec for 3-4 days and that should be enough.
5) Enterprise JavaBeans Container Model: Read few chapters on Pooling and activation passivation concepts from Ad-Roman. Spec covers these topics also.
6) Protocols: Meda's notes and Read about RMI-IIOP from Ad-Roman books. There is a nice chapter on this. Book is available as pdf on serverside site.
7) Applicability of
J2EE Technology: Surf some net to get the info. This is more of practical knowledge than bookish. But do some mock tests to get the feel of questions related to this topic.
8) Design
patterns: James cooper book is good for Java guys to understand the concepts. If u have time, go thru the GOF book also, but only for concepts.
There is summary available for the design patterns at this site
http://www.tml.hut.fi/~pnr/Tik-76.278/gof/html/ Once u are confident in patterns, take the patterns quiz at this site
http://home.earthlink.net/~huston2/dp/patterns_quiz.html 9) Messaging: Basic understanding of MOM, publish-subscriber, p-to-p, advantage of asynchronous messaging is enough. No need for detail architecuture understanding of MOM for this exam. Surf the net and get some information on this.
10) Internationalization: Meda's notes
11) Security: This is little tricky as the material is not available at one place. Need to know, Cryptography, SSL communication, Cyper,
Applet model in JDK 1.1, 1.2 onwards, HTTPS, VPN etc. I dont have ready suggestion for this, but if u can borrow Cade's book for couple of days from some one or in libaray etc, read it from there. I found Cads's book useful only for this topic. For rest all, there is not much in the books.
And last, the mock exams. I followed this link only and it has around 300 questions.
http://www.geocities.com/subra_73/SCEA_Practice_Questions.htm If u could answers 90% of the questions correctly, u are ready for the
test. If at first go u score less, dont loose heart and do all questions one more time. Keep noting down the mistakes u did in the questions, because that makes u understand the hidden concepts better
Thats all Guys
Also now i am starting the prep for part 2. I will aprreciate ANY HELP or GUIDENCE here.