I usually spend more time researching for a good book than actual preparation for the exam. I just believe in reading one good book, understanding all the concepts and then going straight for the exam.So, toughest part for me is to select a good book.
I have been browsing the last 3 to 4 pages but i am not able to find any suggestions to what i am looking for. I know the same question would have been asked many times earlier but it would be great if you guys can point me to a really good book that will make me understand Design
Patterns & JMS ( and other topics if time permits) and also should be little oriented towards the certification exam.
[ May 02, 2005: Message edited by: Sanjay Murugesan ]
scjp, scwcd, scbcd , MCP : 70 - 315, 70 - 316<br /> <br />SCEA ( under preparation)