Hi Raj
I am using Rational Rose and am faced with the same dilemma as you since Rational Rose Web Publish Tool creates lots of files. Here are the Sun's instructions on the submission:
Failure to follow these rules will result in an immediate failure.
When you have completed your solution, you should have an "index.html" that has your name, i.d., a link to the class diagram, a link to the component diagram, and a link to each of the sequence/collaboration diagrams.Build a jar archive that contains all html files. You must build a jar archive; do not send individual files.
The name of your submission jar archive file MUST be derived from your i.d.. (Note that in the United States, your i.d. is your 9-digit social security number, e.g. 555443333. Outside the U.S., your i.d. might be 9 digits, or it might be 2 characters followed by 7 digits, e.g. sp1234567.) Your archive filename MUST BE scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar, where AAAAAAAAA is your i.d..
However while using the WebPublish Tool name the generated file as index.html as per Sun's instructions. Uncheck the following options while using the Web Publish Tool to reduce the file(s) size to less than 1MB.
Deployment View
Include Inhertited Items
Include Properties
Include Associations in Browsers
Hope this helps.
-- Ravi
[ October 11, 2005: Message edited by: ravindra janapareddy ]