Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Marcelo Sousa Ancelmo - Brazil
SCJP 1.2 (89%), SCWCD 1.3 (94%), IBM 486 (90%), SCJA Beta (96%), SCEA (91% / 77%), SCEA 5 P1 (77%), SCBCD 5 (85%)
About component diagram.
How detailed your component Diagram was?
Have you showm the all the JSP like Cades diagram or just a single component with Note showing JSP names.
Is your component diagram was more like a deployment diagram with Nodes.Or just showing the component intraction like in Cades Book
Did you have shown patterns in Component Diagram.
Congratulations with a phantastic score.
Can you share us your notes.
Originally posted by raj b:
Thank you'll
Theodore- Did you contact Shareon again. I sent her an email around 11:30 am today and she replied at 2pm saying to see the certmanager.
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
As i said earlier. Keep things simple. Do not clutter the diagrams.
Whatever you intend to describe about the class/sequence or component diagram, just give an overview of what it is doing.
Retain consistency in naming and when linking diagrams with description.
I had around 20 classes in my class diagram, but folks have got full marks with just the domain classes. Mine was an extension of BDOM
Component diagram- I packaged components in different layers
Good luck
An unpaid customer itinerary that contains the city, flight number, date, time, and seat number for a departure flight; and city, flight number, date, time and seat number for return flight. It could also contain city, flight number, date, time and seat number for each leg of the flight if a lay over is necessary.
Segment - A " leg " or part of a journey, usually in reference to an air itinerary. One take off and landing during air travel constitutes a " segment "
Leg - One segment of a journey, normally referring to an air itinerary, such as the " outbound leg " or the " return leg "
William Butler Yeats: All life is a preparation for something that probably will never happen. Unless you make it happen.
can you please elaborate on how you managed the session for web and rich clients. Also your approach to constructing component diagrams.
Please read the scenario below:
A flight (UA 147) has the route A-->B-->C-->D, a customer books the segemnt
B-->D. I define a leg as a flight between two contiguous airports.
Usually, airlines manage seat allocation in a seat inventory, they track seat usage per LEG.Seats are allocated to each leg of the flight.
My question: Do you think that i should represent this seat tracking mechanism accurately in the class diagram or let it as an implementation details and write on some assumptions, in this case seats allocation will be modeled at the flight level and not at the leg level ?
Definition of flight= a scheduled airline run or trip, from the passenger viewpoint, a flight is a trip, from the airline viewpoint, flight is a service.
William Butler Yeats: All life is a preparation for something that probably will never happen. Unless you make it happen.
Few quries. A requirement is that customer selects seats. My question is
a) does this mean he selects which seats he wants..? This does not happen usually.
b) If yes, do we assume that the seats remain same for all legs/segment and even for return flights ?
c) Do wee need to lock the records when cutomer is selecting seats as some other consurent user might block that seat. Also hwne the payment is through, that seat might have already been booked by some other passenger?
I am a little confused with this aspect of requirement.
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