I have received my results and am glad to inform that I have passed part 2 & 3 with a score of 83. I would like to thank each ranchers here for your support and help. It has been a tremendous experience and I wish all future SCEA-takers the very best in your undertakings! Time to enjoy the fruits of my labour finally...........
I'm waiting the results of part 2 and 3. I upload the assigment the 21 of november and I did the 3 part at 24 of november. I have not yet received answer. When we did your 2 and 3 parts ??? THANKS ...
I submitted my assignment sometime end Nov and I received my results 4 weeks later. Some people have received theirs after about 4-6 weeks. I believe yours is on the way - wait for another week or two. All the best!