best regards,<br />Steven<br />SCJP, SCEA
Originally posted by Laxmi Raghu:
I did follow some J2EE patterns in my assignment solution. I read it from Sun's web site.
U can read UML Distilled (don't know the author now) for information related to UML.
I followed Sun's latest pet store example.
Hope this information helps.
Vaithiyanathan Sundaram<br />SCJP, SCBCD, SCEA part1
I didn't change anything between itinerary and segment from BDM. Only thing i changed were related to Customer which i made as a composite entity. Even i assumed segment as a line item of itinerary.
Originally posted by Laxmi Raghu:
Laxmi; you say that you forgot to make the link from MileageAccount to "payment" in you class diagram. Can you explain what you mean by this ?
I had a class called 'Payment' for paying the ticketing expenses. As per the specs given, ticketing expenses can be paid either by credit card or by using mileage points earned.
'MileageAccount' is another class which holds mileage earned as one of its attribute. Since payment can be done either by credit card or by mileage points, payment calss should linked to (connected to) both credit card class and mileage account class.
Hope i'm clear in explaining this.
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