Hi All,
I have been looking at the certification off and on for a while. Finally had the time to focus and take the part 1 exam. Thanks to everyone who has posted comments and links - they all helped. I used both books - Cade/Roberts and Allen/Bambara. I also read the Head First Design
Patterns and
EJB books � both of which are excellent.
I missed three questions:
Concepts: 100%
Common Architectures: 83%
Legacy Connectivity: 80%
EJB: 100%
EJB Container Model: 75%
Protocols: 100%
Applicability of J2EE: 100%
Design Patterns: 100%
Messaging: 100%
Internationalization: 100%
Security: 100%
My general impression was that the questions were either straight forward (the majority) or had multiple possible correct answers (ie. pick 2 but 3 seemed correct).
My advice would be to just mark the questions you are not sure of and make notes on your impression of each answer. I had plenty of time. Most of the questions ask for the "correct responses". Such as select the following statements that are
true about <something>. However two or three asked you to select the statements that are
FALSE. Make sure you understand what the question is asking for - in my review I found at least one that I had marked the true statements but it was asking for the false statements.
I'll add two resources that I don't think are specifically on the link list:
[Edited by Val to remove link that violates copyright]The Java Black Belt has a good mock exam (by Sunny Wear � if that is your real name). Cheers
[ February 08, 2007: Message edited by: Valentin Crettaz ]