posted 18 years ago
This may be a lousy question, but I thought I'd ask as well. Don't want to automatically fail, by not correctly JAR-ing my files.
When you JAR your files, do you do it in the directory where your HTMLs/images are located? If so, when somebody extracts the JAR file, all the HTML files and images will be extracted to the current directory.
Or do you JAR the _directory_ where your HTML files and images are located? If so, when somebody extracts the JAR file, a folder scea-AAAAAAAAA is created on the current directory. scea-AAAAAAAAA directory will contain all the HTML and images.
Or it doesn't matter?
The reason I asked is because in CertManager, instruction says:
"In order to create your jar archive, change directory to the location of your HTML files and enter the following command: jar cvf scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar *.*" But I was thinking, when the person extrcts the files, his directory may be convoluted with my HTMLs/images.
Thank you for your patience.