Originally posted by Saha Kumar:
Hello all,
I have the following sequence diagram:
---getData---> DAO ----> this section is involved,
so I want to place it
in another diagram -----add row ----> ValueObject
What legitimate UML 2.0 symbol can I use to replace the wording between DAO and add row ?
I am using Enterprise Architect(EA) with UML 2.0. EA does not support the fragment type of ref.
Any ideas?
Thanks for any help at all.
Ricardo Ferreira,<br /> <br />Sun Certified Enterprise Architect<br />IBM Certified SOA Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified RUP v7.0 Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified Specialist for RUP v2003
Originally posted by Saha Kumar:
ref CreateFlightTO
in a UML note, and then specify in the documentation why this was done?
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Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Saha Kumar:
Thanks for the response. Is there a way to port the sequence diagrams to another product?
I have done significant work and already paid for Enterprise Architect(EA). If I decide to stay with EA, could I put:
ref CreateFlightTO
in a UML note, and then specify in the documentation why this was done?
Thanks in advance.
Ricardo Ferreira,<br /> <br />Sun Certified Enterprise Architect<br />IBM Certified SOA Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified RUP v7.0 Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified Specialist for RUP v2003
Originally posted by Ricardo Ferreira:
Yes, you can export all of your work from EA to another UML tool. There is a common format for UML, called XMI. This format is interchangeable between many UML tools.
Originally posted by Ricardo Ferreira:
... try to use the Borland Together Architect, that's a great tool for UML and business modeling.
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Saha Kumar:
... way to get the ref fragment type. Open up the sequence diagram that you want to contain the ref fragment. Then drag the sequence diagram (from the tree on the right) to be referenced onto the opened sequence diagram; drop it in the location where you want it.
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
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