Santiago Urrizola : La Plata - Argentina<br />SCEA (89%-92%)<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>
Originally posted by Santiago Urrizola:
.. abstract factory creates a family of related objects ...
Originally posted by John Waugh:
EJBHome is an example of Factory Pattern.
Originally posted by B Sathish:
Because composition is used, one can say it (EJBHome) is an Abstract Factory.
Originally posted by Peer Reynders:
Factory Method sometimes refers to a looser concept than initially defined in GOF. You see an example of this in Fowler's "Replace Constructor with Factory Method". Notice that [there] the factory method does not "defer instantiation to subclasses", nor is there any sign of an interface method that must be implemented, nor could it be because here the factory method is a (static) class method. -
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Rajesh.<br />------------------------<br />SCJP 1.4
Santiago Urrizola : La Plata - Argentina<br />SCEA (89%-92%)<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>
Originally posted by Rajesh Velicheti:
Can some one please clarify this notion of saying FactoryMethod --> Inheritence, AbstractFactory --> Composition.
Originally posted by Santiago Urrizola:
So an ejbhome contains * create method, that is the form that i undertand wy the ejbobjetc is an AbstractFactory.
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