4) Component diagram: How can I show a Queue? I�m just showing an Interface and a Component called Queue, is that right?
Santiago Urrizola : La Plata - Argentina<br />SCEA (89%-92%)<br /><a href="http://gpitech.wordpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://gpitech.wordpress.com/</a>
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
1)Class diagram: Do I need to show DTO, Business Delegate, Entity Beans, Session Beans, Servlet, etc� or just the Domain Model Classes ? There are a lot of discussions regarding this point, but I didn�t take part in any side yet.
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
2) Component diagram: Do I need to show the DTOs ?
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
4) Component diagram: How can I show a Queue? I�m just showing an Interface and a Component called Queue, is that right?
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Thomas Taeger:
Does a DTO have a noteworthy interface, noteworthy enough to make it a pluggable, replaceable component?
Originally posted by suekar meredilko:
I see that in some internet sites, JSP, ActionServlets(controllers) etc are part of the component diagram. Strictly speaking JSP does not have an interface and UML defines a component as the ones having an interface. Does that mean we should or should not show JSP(s) and others which are runtime components ?
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Parag Bharambe:
DTO's are required in Application as well as Presentation. So rather than showing DTO's in component diagram ...
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Thomas Taeger:
Then an Application component as well as a Presentation component can use this prepared common PaymentCommonComponent,
- partly through well defined business interfaces and
- partly (for my DTOs not having interfaces) directly, shown by direct dependency arrows.
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
Don't you think that you are going too deep?
www.classic-and-class.com - www.evalulearn.com
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
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