Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Thanks,<br />Prasanna<br />SCJP1.4,SCWCD1.4,SCBCD1.3,SCDJWS,SCEA-1<br />IBM Certified Solution Developer -- WebSphere Portal V5.1(got 100%) -
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Santiago Urrizola : La Plata - Argentina<br />SCEA (89%-92%)<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>
Originally posted by Prasanna Chennupati:
I am preparing for SCEA part1.Can you please suggest me good books and online resources for this exams?How many days will it take to finish the exam if we study 4 hrs/day?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
Just a simple question :
Did you make big sequence diagrams or have you just shown the objects from you class diagram? (without DAO, TO, etc...)
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Santiago Urrizola:
could you tell more about your sumition ?, some desitions, persistence ? some used patterns ?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Murat Balkan:
Did you include helper classes (for mail for example) in your class diagram? Will facades be enough or should I add some UI tier classes?
[ June 24, 2006: Message edited by: Murat Balkan ]
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Vinays Singh:
1. Is there any design for security between swing client and application ?
I was thinking of assuming that the swing client is within an intranet but that may not be a good solution.
2. Did you assumed that some data would be predefined in system for eg the flights between one city to another and system would search on it ?
I am very much confused on this because when I see the real world applications they behave this way and if I assume this, my design would be based on this presumption.
3.Did you include TO & VO in your component diagrams ? Alternatively the entities discovered during class diagram , is it necessary that they would be represented either in sequence or component diagrams ?
[ June 27, 2006: Message edited by: Vinays Singh ]
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Marcelo Sousa Ancelmo - Brazil
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Raj Nerurkar:
Hi Ram,
I wanted to know if you used CMP or BMP?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by antonio gallo:
Can I ask you how did you manage the concept of mileage account?
I'm wondering wether using a direct access(both in read and write mode) to a mileage account table on the FFMs db would be better for these cases. Can you give me a suggestion? Requirements are very confusing.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Tony Young:
Hi Chandramouli,
1. I have seen many ranchers mentioned Cade's book is very helpful. So which Cade's book are you talking about?
2. I'm curious that you have 6 sequence diagrams. Did you provide one sequence diagram to each of the use case mentioned in its use case diagram, one sequence diagram to each of the use case provided with detailed info in the requirement?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
Did you use CMR ? Do you think that the system would respond in 5 seconds with more than 600 users using CMP ?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Ram Chandramouli:
Well there are multiple options here. One can even use a DB stored procedure to do the job -in which case it's going to be Bean -> DAO -> stored procedure ->DB. It would depend on your design and assumptions. As for performance here is what I see on Oracle's site ( Tuned CMP entity beans offer better performance than BMP entity beans.
Originally posted by Tony Young:
you mentioned that you used UML 2.0 as it had lot of cool features to show looping, alternatives (if.. else) etc very elegantly. Can you recommend a book or web site regarding UML 2.0? In particular, I need to find out how to do the following in sequence diagram:
1. how to show alternatives (if.. else)?
2. how to indicate sending to another use case?
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
Originally posted by Samuel Pessorrusso:
Did you show the entity dependencies in you dcomponent Diagram ? (between Itinerary, Segment and Seat for example).
Thanks & Regards,<br />Chandramouli Ram
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