I was a silent observer of this forum. The posts in the forum were the guiding lights for me to set the right strategy and approach to take for
SCEA exam. It took for almost 3 months for me to clear the exams. The first part was a cake walk. The second part - assignment was not that easy to solve and it took almost two months. The result was not so bad after a one month long waiting time.
Test: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for
Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Technology Part II (310-061)
Date Taken: 2006-07-16 21:28:21.670
Registration Number: n78syd5016
Site: ii98
Grade: P
Score: 95
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70.
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 39
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44
Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12
Some tips for the people who are planning to take the exam:
I started with the domain model first. This is the most difficult and time consuming part of the exam. I expanded and refined the basic domain class diagram without changing any assumptions made by the analyst. The expanded domain class diagram had around 25 - 30 classes. It was a pure technology independent domain model with just the core entities and their relationships . All the class relationships were named, with direction and cardinality. There are few things which I would say the core of the problem to solve here - the relation between Flight, Segments, reservation etc.
The second step is to set a high level architecture in mind. There are certain things
you should bear in mind while you design the architecture.
1. Design the application for both Web clients and Java clients. How to make it reusable.
2. Interfacing with Legacy system.
3. Scalability, Reliability and performance.
4. Security.
5. Asynchronous processing.
I did a detailed class design separate from the domain model class diagram. Adding new technology dependent class diagram will make it complicated and difficult to understand. New classes were added, with specific
patterns to solve known problems. In the design I used around more than 12 patterns. The number of patterns used is not important, but the reasons for choosing it and how it could solve a problem is very important. The detailed class diagram had around 50 classes.
The class diagram was refined after modeling using Interaction diagrams. I had two diagrams to show common interactions for all use cases - The first to show interaction of Java clients and other for web clients. All the common interaction and the pattern of presentation tier interaction with business tier was shown using these two diagrams. Separate interaction diagrams was drawn for each use case with Presentation tier as actor showing all business tier interactions. Alternate cases were shown in the same diagram with red lines.
The component diagram was one big diagram with around 50 components.
The assumption document was around 7 pages , with an explanation of domain model, the objectives, the problems that needs to be resolved, patterns used etc.
The third essay exam is something very silly. You don't need to spent time to prepare at all for this.
Thanks once again to every one who posted their experience here.