hi folks, I did my SCJP in 2000, currently I am not in my country and dont have my marks sheet with me.. for SCEA part one, do I need to have my site id or any other id of SCJP . what could be the issue, if I take SCEA part 1 as a new candidate?
I somehow able to get my Site ID that is : SP3150322 But I still dont have my user name and password, I have already sent an email to the [email protected] and [email protected]. But didnt get any reply, Any further suggesstions.
thanks GUYS, [email protected] replied with all details including my web login.. cheers.
I know there is no pre-requiste for SCEA but I guess it would be good to continue your previuos id to make exam history in Sun's Learning Managemet System. If i am wrong anyone can correct me.
regards Awais
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