That is a fair question
An 'Application client' I interpret as any client for the application - this could be web page (HTML),
Applet or stand alone GUI, or even another application that connects via a web service for example, to the application.
A 'Graphical User Interface' is a term that to me differentiates todays current desktop type systems from the older 3270 type displays and dumb terminals and Systems running just character based environments such as MS Dos (pre Windows). A GUI can be a web page or a stand alone app like Micrsoft
Word, Excel etc. A GUI uses buttons, images, colour and has controls like list boxes, text fields etc. These inherently do not exist on dumb terminals etc.
I am guessing a bit here that you are trying to give me a clue, without directly saying so, since you are already a
SCEA, or you are at least trying to make me think about something. And in rereading the requirements to see where those 2 phrases where referenced I came across a statement that I had forgotten about that says 'both web clients and application clients'. Interesting.