I am about to submit the assignment for 'Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for
J2EE Technology (Step 2 of 3) (CX-310-300A) exam.
Sun says as follows inside the assigment.
When you have completed your solution,
you should have an "index.html" that has your name, i.d., a link to the class diagram, a link to the component diagram, and a link to each of the sequence/collaboration diagrams. Build a jar archive that contains all html files. You must build a jar archive; do not send individual files.
The name of your submission jar archive file MUST be derived from your i.d.. (Note that in the United States, your i.d. is your 9-digit social security number, e.g. 555443333. Outside the U.S., your i.d. might be 9 digits, or it might be 2 characters followed by 7 digits, e.g. sp1234567.) Your archive filename MUST BE scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar, where AAAAAAAAA is your i.d..
I am confused as I am currently residing in United States. In above context, what is my ID? Is it my SSN / Prometric Candidate ID(SR*******) / Sun Candidate ID(SUN******)?