Here is the answers to you questions:
1) How many classes does you class diagram have? Is it implementation independent? Did you include members and methods?
Ans: I used arround 14 classes in class diagram.
Classes do not include member or methods and were implemetation independent (more or less) but I used some control classes and facades
2) How many component does you component diagram have? Did you include all JSPs pages? Just one big component diagram or split up by modules?
Ans: I had two component digrams(for search & payment ) each of which is extension of class diagram. I included all the
jsp pages as well as thik client.
3) Are all your diagrams heavily commented?
I had 5-6 comment tags in each of the diagram (class and components) but those were realy useful comments so that I do not have to write down long assumption document.
4) Which tool did you use to model your solution?
I use rational for class and component diagrams and for sequence diagram I used sun one studio. The reason of choosing rational
rose for component diagram as the component image in Sun one studio is not matching at all with components we normally see in the books (box with tongs) but I think you can use sun one studio for this as it is there product.
In sequence diagram i used UML2 and totally I had five sequence diagram one for sign on to make other diagram less cluttered.
In assumption document I had only 12 one liners, actually I came up with 13 one liners but I did not like the number "13" so merged two of the one liners

[ November 10, 2006: Message edited by: saurabh suman ]