Hi All,
I just passed
SCEA part 1 with the above score. It took me few months. But I prepared seriously only the last two weeks(atleast 1 to 2 hrs daily).
Although I have done many
Java projects none of them were involving
Materials used:
- Mark Cade's SCEA book (must have)
- Paul Allen's SCEA book
- HF EJB ( if EJB is new to you)
- HF Design
Patterns - IBM's SCEA tutorial
- Pete Morgan's notes (good summary of all topics)
With all the above materials, I was actually going nowhere until I read a gem of a post from Peter Cook (
This post helped me to focus.
I used the following mocks.
- CD from Paul Allen's SCEA book
http://www.harishramchandani.com SCEA mock
- Mark Cade's practice questions
If you have good IT experience and an aptitude for reasoning, I would say that it is an easy exam.
All the best to SCEA part 1 aspirants.
Thank you