I was looking at some of the questions given on net at this link
http://stephane.weber1.free.fr/SCEA/Notes/Test%20Sridhar%20Raman.html There is a question about SSL Handshake process.
Which of the following is not an optional step in establishing an SSL handshake?
# a. Server side certificate validation by the client
# b. client side certificate validation by the server
# c. Generation of session keys for encryption and decryption
# d. Selection of a suitable Cipher suite for encryption by the server and the client
The answer given is option B.
Where as per my understanding option B is an Optional step in the SSL handshake process where A / C and D are mandatory steps.
I think the question would be to select the optional step then the option B would be the correct one.
So, there is printing mistake with the question.
Can anybody please tell me that I'm correct or not.
There are some other questions regarding
EJB which again I think there is some problem.
27. In EJBs, Which two callback methods can be used for synchronizing the bean's state with the database
# a. ejbStore() and ejbLoad()
# b. ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate()
# c. ejbStore() and ejbPasivate()
# d. ejbLoad() and ejbActivate()
The correct ans give is Option B.
It should be A. As ejbStore() and ejbLoad() are used for synchronizing bean's state with the databse.
Where ejbActivate and ejbPassivate methods are used release / regain any resources held by the bean which is Bean specific and container specific because it's used to transform bean from Ready to Pool state and vice versa.
29. When does an Entity Bean transition from Pooled State to Ready state
# a. when create() is invoked on EJBHome
# b. when a find method is invoked on EJBHome
# c. when a BEan is activated by the container
# d. when a BEan is passivated by the container
The answer given is Option A/B and C.
As per Entity Bean life cycle, ejbFindByXXX() methods doesnt transit Bean from Pooled state to Ready State.
So Option B should be included.
Please validate this.
Thanks for your reply.
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boost my confidence as well as if wrong it will help me to correct by basics.