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failed part 1 - grade 62%

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Today I took the first part of scea exam and I didn't pass. The hardest part for me was the senario-based questions. they were very confusing for me.

my major problem was ejb and legacy conectivity. I thought there would be more technical questions, but most of the questions in where senario-based ones. There were just a few questions about design patterns and UML. I spended a great deal of time studying them. for the ones who havent taken the test I would strongly recoment that you focus your studies on EBJ technology.

From somebody who havent had a preview expirience with EJB and studyed for a month I did do that bad. Studing a little bit more and i'll hopefull get a B+. For the rest, I am going to study more, focus on my weaknesses and retake the exam.

hope it helps,

Best regards for all,

Fl�vio Oliva
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Hi Oliva !

As I'm preparing for the Part1 Exam , and before starting the study needed, I searched and read most posted experience and study of the those that took the exam, and most they said the exam focus on EJB and many recommand Ed Roman book (Mastering Entreprise JavaBeans ).
So if you don't have that book I recommand it as I'm working on it these days and I learned a lot specially that I have no experience on EJB before. Also there an other one which is also very good, HF by Sierra & Bates.

Oliva, don't give up !! study more EJB, and you will pass the first Part

Good Luck !!

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I would actually say that actual working experiences would help you pass. If you do not have the experience, you may find it difficult to swallow the theories in the books. Moreover, many of the recommended books are very detail & thick. You may not have the luxury to finish reading them all for the exam.
Flavio Oliva
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scenario-base questions were mostly regarding session EJB and entity EJB. they mostly will ask you about witch one EJB (session (less/full) or entity bean) to use on the given scenario. play very close attention on what they are asking. the answer of the question my be embedded inside the whole scenario. the test it self is not very hard, though. I did't pass for 3 questions. I made 30 out of 48. I needed 33 to pass. take good care about legacy connectivity, especially on what concerns about CORBA and IIOP. make sure you really know when to use CORBA with legacy systems.

That's about it. the questions regarding UML and design patterns are very easy on the exam. the core of the exam is EJB and legacy connectivity. the other subject are just a high level overview.

hope that helps

Fl�vio Oliva
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Originally posted by rania ferrag:
Hi Oliva !

As I'm preparing for the Part1 Exam , and before starting the study needed, I searched and read most posted experience and study of the those that took the exam, and most they said the exam focus on EJB and many recommand Ed Roman book (Mastering Entreprise JavaBeans ).
So if you don't have that book I recommand it as I'm working on it these days and I learned a lot specially that I have no experience on EJB before. Also there an other one which is also very good, HF by Sierra & Bates.

Oliva, don't give up !! study more EJB, and you will pass the first Part

Good Luck !!


As suggested by Rania, Head First EJB by Sierra & Bates is good one for EJB.

[ March 28, 2007: Message edited by: sanjay sahu ]
[ March 28, 2007: Message edited by: sanjay sahu ]
rania ferrag
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HI OLiva !

Thank you so mush for your and all your advices regarding your experience on the Exam.. you where so close to get the First Part done ...But I�m sure you will pass the test next time
It�s true that it�s hard to understand all the theories from the EJB Book if we don�t have a previews experience� and I�m still working on ED Fowler book, and found some chapters very deep and a lots of information�s... so I hope I pick up what�s necessary specially for the exam ...I didn�t yet review Legacy Connectivity, my fair was on EJB as don�t have no experience before� But for sure I�ll review and work on that part too...
I have a Question for you please, did you use some Mock exam ? if yes, do you have some links ? Which book you had use for you preparation for EJB ?

Thank you so much again for the answer and again do not worry you will make it next time

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Hi guys,

I would recommend a combination of HF EJB and Mark cades book to study. HF EJB is definetly my favourite book and recommendation for learning EJB for anyone . Use Mark cades book, get the topic and read only those topics in HFEBJ(only Exam objectives), do the drills.

I had 1 day on MarkCade and 2 day with HFEJB before I took the exam, i have 3 years experience working with EJB 1.2.

SCEA - 1 87%
[ March 28, 2007: Message edited by: San Sreeds ]
Flavio Oliva
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I basically used the material from this site here


I also used the SCEA study guide


I didnt like this book very much. It is too high level.

I would recomment HF EJB and Design Patterns.

sorry but I dont have good links for mock tests.

best regards for all.

Flavio Oliva.
Flavio Oliva
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does anybody know what are the chances for me to take the same test??? how many test day have?


Flavio Oliva
rania ferrag
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Unfortunately I don�t have a copy of HF EJB, I have HF on Design Pattern but not on EJB, I�m learning EJB from ED Roman book (sorry for the error above I said in my previews post ED Fowler, it�s ED Roman actually, I mix it with Martin Fowler UML Book ), and now it�s too late for me to switch to an other book, also ED Roman is very good book too, only it�s too deep when you have less time ...Thanks San for your advice, you was lucky to have previews experience on EJB, the study than for the test will be focus on others objectives ....
OLiva is the Mark Cade Book that you found it too high level ?
For the best time for you to retake the test, in my opinion, try to do some mock exam and see if your are now more comfortable on those objectives that you missed in your first test (EJB and Legacy connectivity ..), if you feel ok now and mastering better those sections, I believe you could pass the exam !!
For me I have to finish the chapters left in EJB than will review Design Pattern from HF book,
Good Luck Oliva

My Best Regards,

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Originally posted by Flavio Oliva:
does anybody know what are the chances for me to take the same test??? how many test day have?


Flavio Oliva

Hi Flavio,

Here's the info I got from the Sun Certification Retake Promotion website

Please also be aware that per Sun certification guidelines you must wait at least 14 days before you may retake any exam

Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your experience with the exam!

It was very helpful. May the force be with you on your next attempt!

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Thanks for sharing your experience and definitely you will clear the exam next time. The best part is you have shared this and you have learn lot many things from your prep.

Now can any body give me pointer to do preparation for the scenario based questions which are mostly related to EJBs?
Is the practical experience is the only way to have good grip on these kind of questions or by doing some exercise while reading the long books on EJB's or reviewing our fundamentals.

Because as I have use EJB but around 1.5 yrs back and as a developer so, taking best decision quickly for the design sometimes fails.

So, if somebody could help out people like me then it would be great.

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Now can any body give me pointer to do preparation for the scenario based questions which are mostly related to EJBs?
Is the practical experience is the only way to have good grip on these kind of questions or by doing some exercise while reading the long books on EJB's or reviewing our fundamentals.

Because as I have use EJB but around 1.5 yrs back and as a developer so, taking best decision quickly for the design sometimes fails.

So, if somebody could help out people like me then it would be great.


Hi Manish,

If you practice more scenario questions from mock tests and have enough study for EJB,then you will be fine.
Chengwei Lee
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If you've practical experiences, it's easier to digest and relate to the books. I find it hard to appreciate the importance of some concepts without the hands-on. I'm more of a practical guy than theory.

It all depends on the individual I guess.

Good luck!
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