posted 17 years ago
I have some questions regarding flight pricing,
As mentioned on the Prepare Itinerary use-case (System responds with the selected flight priced and alternative flights if less than selected). This paragraph means that we must price the selected and alternative flights using the Price Itinerary use-case.
But according to the Prepare Itinerary use-case, we must price the itinerary again after selecting the seats. Why should we if the itinerary was already priced.
Is selecting flights seats will effect the flights price (already calculated). I assumed the customer already chooses the cabin class (first class or coach).
The Price Itinerary use-case has the following pre-conditions: customer logged in, customer has profile, and customer has a prepared itinerary. BUT: When we price the selected/alternative flights the user is not logged in yet and the prepare itinerary is not completed (seats not selected yet).
This contradiction on the provided use cases make it impossible to provide a design without violating some of the requirements.
Another question,
Since the flight may contain more than on cabin class (first class and coach) and the seat price depends on the selected cabin, a new class Cabin must be added between the equipment class an Seats. The question is where do I have to define the price of the flight seat.
I treated equipment, cabin, and seat as a static data. An new equipment record will be added only when FBN buys a new airplane. So I have to solutions: -
First: save cabin seat price on the flight class, two attribute (firstClassPrice and coachPrice).
Second: Adding a new Class FlightCabin which contains the cabin seat price. The association will be Flight 1 --> 1..* FlightCabin