Congrats Bojan
Its party time for you until you start your next part
I would be giving Part I in the coming week ( well most probably).
Thanks a lot for your detailed experience of the exam and the questions related to Design Patterns and scenario based questions.
Can you please tell me more about the topics like EJB, Security, Legacy Connectivity, Corba/IIOP and Internationalization.
Because I found most confusing questions are from
1. Security
2. Corba/IIOP, RMI, JRMP etc.
Even I have studied the chapter of protocol from Marc Cade book. One of the practice question which is Question No. 5.
If you read the solution of that questions, few things which is written are not there in the question even, like the technology used is
And the biggest problem with that question is to identify that we need to use Distributed Computing or just thin client + server type of architecture.
For this also I'm not able to find out from the question.
If you did that question can you please help.
And few more questions, if you can help me out.
Q2: What is true about EJB?
1.Can use RMI/JRMP with EJB1.1 to access EJB�s
2. RMI/IIOP has to be used with EJBs.
I think 2nd is correct because in EJB 1.1 specs, I have not found any thing about JRMP, and it was supported in EJB1.0 version.
Q2: Is it possible to specify the number of EJB instances to pool during deployment time?
1. True
2. False
I think it is FALSE, if we think in terms of only EJB1.1 specs. Because it wont tell where and how to specify the number of instances of EJB in the pool. But if we consider vendors then all the App Servers provide way to specify this number. I�m confused for the right one.
Q3: Which is a very ambiguous one (as per me

): Scenario Based
Scenario: ATMEJB has method withdrawal() with Required Tx attr. and it is calling AccoutEJB getAccount() method. At the same time ChecqueProcessingEJB is calling AccountEJB getAccount() without any Tx context.
The algorithm of getAccount() is as follows:
1. Deduct the amount from the account balance
2. Calculate Interest
3. Update history
4. Return the requested amount to the caller
Q: What best describes the AccountEJB component?
A. Stateless Session Bean with RequiredNew Tx attr. for getAccount()
B. BMP with Required Tx attr. for getAccount()
C. CMP with Supports Tx attr. for getAccount()
D. CMP with RequiredNew Tx attr. for getAccount()
I choose option A, as AccountEJB is doing many things it looks like Facade and Transaction is required for getAccount().
But the answer given in the mock is D. They given detailed reasons but all on the assumptions.
Two things I want to ask
1. Can we use Required in this scenario for getAccount(), if not then why?
2. What I'm not able to understand is getAccount() doing the database related activity or just playing with the object as data. One thing is sure either it has to populated account related data from the DB at the client request either by SessionBean or finderMethod of the EntityBean.
Even if we assume somehow that its an Entity Bean, but still the problem is that its doing too much things in one method whether entity beans needs to only return the DB state.
Is the statement "at the same time" some other bean is also accessing means that its an shared component which is part of the definition of the Entity Bean (shared data). So, from this we can firmly say that AccountEJB is an Entity Bean, irrespective of the business logic is put in its method.
So, here the case is to handle shared data when concurrent users are accessing it.
But can't this be handled by SLSB also by using the Tx context and with correct Isolation Level. So, that the other Tx. have to wait for the data until it is used by the current Tx. (locks depends on the Isolation level).
I know I think I have written, but it was required to spit out whatever I'm thinking to correct myself :roll: .
One interesting statement you have used "And prepare some mind reading techniques!" Do you mean from that to read the minds of the examiner to crack the Scenario based questions?
Again congratulations

for your result.
Now I'm tired of typing ......