You are getting good score from whizlabs, if you read the ex. of other people.
I haven't used whizlabs
You will get not a single question of MDB's or
J2EE Design Patterns so dont bother about that, so if remove those questions from the test your score would be more then 80% and that is a very good score in whizlabs.
You will find the main exam little easier then these mock one.
For reviewing, I have just studied EJB for one whole day and then on the day before exam I have just revise all the topics from the notes of Pete and other .
On the last day I studied in the morning for 2 hours and then around 15-20 mins before exam.
But I suggest you just study for around 1-2 hrs on the exam day in the morning and leave studying anything before exam for around 1-2 hours.
And have a nice sleep before the exam morning.
Be fresh before exam because it requires your mind to work there.
Use your common sense while answering questions.
Rest of the things will come into place.
Just brush up few things from EJB like transaction, what happen to the Transaction when this exception throws.
There is table given in the EJB specs in the Exception handling chapter.
BEST OF LUCK for the EXAM. You will be successful