The part II IS the real exam!
The exam just ask for a class diagram, package diagram, and sequence diagrams.
The artifacts they deliver are poor and you have to make some decision, even business
decisions (remember to justify in your assumption's page).
I decided to create 2 main artifacts : Software Architecture and Design Guide () documents
from rup template.
The sequence diagrams are at the Use Case Realization Documents.
I followed the Unified Process to create this artifacts.
Every uml were at analysis level: only analysis classes (boundary, control and entity).
Only at Design guide document that I used design classes.
Ate the software architecture document i described the architecture, the security, the
persistence mechanism, described the packages and their relationships, logical view,
deployment view, et cetera.
At the design guide I described how to read and design the analysis classes used in the
software architecture document. Also at this document I described where, why and how to use
design patterns in the project.
The use case realization document had a class diagram and the sequence diagram (analysis
I think that I cannot achieve more points at the class diagram beacause I split it in the
use case realization documents. But, I dont know...
Hope this can be useful.

[ June 05, 2007: Message edited by: Arthur Landim ]