Do I understand it well, that a part of the customer account is a list of his credit cards (he can choose from during the "pay for itinerary" usecase) ?
decrease the mileage account of the customer ?
Originally posted by John Meyers:
... How is the user going to contact the agent to do things for him ? ...
Originally posted by John Meyers:
Will the agent be allowed to login in place of the user ? If so how ?
Originally posted by John Meyers:
... want FBN do handle this dirty work ? ...
Regards,<br>K. Mahesh<br> <br>SCJP 1.2 Aug-2001 : 79%
Am I permitted to assume its outside scope of assignment - phone / fax / email / ticket sales terminal...
Can I assume that when customer is booking thru an agent, the agent just needs to enter the customer id / select from a dropdown list, the agent does not need the customer's password ie agent does not login as customer - agent book ticket(s) on behalf of customer.
Is there any statement in the assignment saying FBN cannot be changed ?
Originally posted by John Meyers:
The assignment says about that in its documentation. You first need to figure out what FBN is made of ( you could also make some subtle assumptions here) and then figure out if any part of the FBN can be changed. If it can be you better justify it in your documentation
Regards,<br>K. Mahesh<br> <br>SCJP 1.2 Aug-2001 : 79%
Originally posted by Mahesh Kumaraguru:
As a legacy integrator / architect, I would prefer to assume that legacy cannot be changed. In my experience, architect should assume that legacy systems and vendor products cannot be changed unless some major show-stopper kind of bug can be found and "proved" which I do not expect in this FBN assignment.
Originally posted by Tyler Lebowski:
What if the Travel Agent is really a robot or a telephony system?
Originally posted by Tyler Lebowski:
What happens if the phone system shuts down?
Regards,<br>K. Mahesh<br> <br>SCJP 1.2 Aug-2001 : 79%
Originally posted by Ravindra Janapreddy:
Both Web Customer and FBN Travel Agent have to be logged into the system to make a reservation.
The FBN Travel Agent has no knowledge of Customer's login and has his own login that gives him secured access to the system.
The Customer login is not created by the Travel Agent and is created by the Customer himself.
The customer account has a list of credit cards for the system to charge the customer when a reservation is made. When the customer chooses award travel then the frequent flyer miles is credited or debited to customer's frequent flyer mileage account.
-- Ravi
Originally posted by Jiri Slefr:
The only unclear process for me is the Agent/customer cooperation. I am thinking about an agent as a person on the phone, which is able to create itinerary/modify itinerary/realize a payment for me as a customer. I know, that in order to have the application secure enough, it is necessary to have the agent logged into the system (which can be done using NTLM, LDAP etc.), but this login differs from the login of the real customer, because the customer's login offers to the customer list HIS OWN existing data and use data from HIS OWN profile (eg. credit card list, name etc...).
1. Agent has to identify the customer somehow (eg. username=email and password - mandatory in order to have at least some security)
... which has a precondition in customer account existence
2. If the customer does not have an account, it is necessary to create one in order to allow to the customer the future possibility to list and change it's own data and handle customer's mileage account
3. When the agent creates an account for the customer (without password specification), the system will generate a password and all information will be send to the customer by email. As soon as the account is created, the agent works in context of the customer
I expect this should solve the problem completely.
Regards,<br>K. Mahesh<br> <br>SCJP 1.2 Aug-2001 : 79%
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