this is extracted from the pdf (but does not break the agreement because its not a part of the assignation itself).
The name of your submission jar archive file MUST be derived from your i.d. (note that in the United States, your i.d. is your 9-digit social security number, e.g. 555443333. Outside the U.S., your i.d. might be 9 digits, or it might be 2 characters followed by 7 digits, e.g. sp1234567)
So? your i.d. is your social security number (if you're in US), but in the mail they just say zip it and send it, so I think is not a very strong name at this moment, just don't forget to put in your mail the Name, Last Name, Prometric Id, etc.
[ December 11, 2007: Message edited by: Juan Pablo Crossley ]