I would also say that the
word queue may imply that messages sent are queued if the receiver is not available, which is not true for Point-to-Point messaging but it is particularly true for Publish-Subscribe messaging.
In that way, for some readers, option E may sound wrong.
About the second question:
I would say that only option A is true.
Option B doesn't seems ok to me because even if stored procedures are dealing with most of business logic, you will certainly have business logic in the application (real world ones), which would need to ported to another app if you need to change the UI. On three tier the idea would be being able to change the View tier and keep the Business Logic tier untouched (by using a tier of Business Delegates, for example).
Option C isn't ok for me because stored procedures don't make sense to be inside application code because they should be 'stored' in the database back-end.
Any other thoughts? Please correct me if I'm wrong.