Hi All
Today I have cleared
SCEA Part 1 with 83% (40/48) questions. This forum helped me lot, So I would like to thanks this forum. Let me share my experience which
will help those whose are going to do Old SCEA part 1.
Concepts ...................... 100
Common Architectures .......... 50
Legacy Connectivity ........... 100
EJB ........................... 66
EJB container Model ........... 100
Protocols ..................... 100
Applicability of J2EE ......... 66
Patterns ............... 80
Messaging ..................... 100
Internalization ............... 100
Security ...................... 100
Whatever questions i remember i mentioned here.
Straight forward UML questions. Even you dont need to read complete book. Just read Martin fowler book high level. Read all uml notations, just have idea of
all diagrams types and uml notations.
1. Gave sequence diagram and questions on it(Very very simple)
2. class diagram and question about dependency and associations(2 questions)
3. Gave a diagram and question what is that type of diagram(answer is activity)
My opinion you can answer all the 6 questions if you have just high level knowledge about UML
2. Internalization
Direct question about Locale,ResourceBundle and Internalization
I have read first 2 chapters of sun tutorial(that is sufficient for exam)
3. Security
I got 2 questions, both are like what is not possible in untrusted
applet with default security settings in a browser
4. Messaging
I read first 2 chapter of Sun JMS tutorial( that is more than enough)
1. Benefits of JMS(Options :Loosely coupled,increased scalabilty, secured communications etc)
2. Question about types(publish subscribe and p2p, simple)
Design Patterns
Just have high level idea of all design patterns, map some examples for every design pattern like proxy - EJB Remote, EJB Pooling - Flyweight like that
i did not read any specific books. but i read many articles
1. Question about benefits of design patterns, be careful, options are confused, use elimination technic
2. EJBHome which design pattern
3. EJBRemote which design pattern
4. Question about Iterator pattern
5. one scenario based question, i might answered wrongly for this question.
All are scenario based question.
1. one question on HTTPS and tunneling(little confusing)
2. one question on IIOP
3. question on firewall,
4. Benefits of JRMP
EJB container Model & EJB
i read Head First EJB, most of the questions are Scenario based
1. Difference between entity and sesssion
2. Difference between statful and stateless
3. Question on container services
4. Two quesions on DAO with EJB
5. one question on Transaction attribute REQUIRED(Simple)
6. Benefits of EJB Pooling
7. for particular scenario when to use stateful,statless and entity beans
8. question about what you need to do in passivation
9. when to use CMP?
Applicability of J2EE
I got three questions,
1. which J2EE tech to connect LDAP
2. When to use EJB
3. when to use messaging
Legacy Connectivity(all are Scenario based)
1. one question on screen scarapper.
2. scenario like legacy application with MQ connection which J2ee tech to use
Common Architectures
1. Question about flexiblity, for given scenario how to improve flexiblity.
2. Question on J2ee architect.
3. question about performance for given scenario
4. question about maintainablity .
My overall suggestions,
1. 20-25 questions are straight forward.
2. Remaining questions are scenario based with big description, it will take long time to read. so be careful with timings. you need to implement elimination techniques 100%. I got 10-15 scenario based questions.
3, I used Whizlab mock exam. but it is not helped much. real exam is totally different. but whizlabs notes are fine. Let me know if anyone has any specific questions
Thanks once again to all, Thanks to my better half and my kid who gave nice time to study
G Manikandan