K.P.Thottam (K.P.T)<br /> <br />Sun Certified Enterprise Architect,TOGAF 8 Certified,Certified Information System security Professional (CISSP),SCJDWS,SCWCD,SCJP,MCP
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Originally posted by k .p.thottam:
Hi All,
As a practicing architect , I deal with different java based server technologies that have become mainstream outside of the normal sun process. Example spring , Struts , velocity etc.
This should be the case for most of us in the real world.
So my question is : how many of you see the value of upgrading -
a) because it makes a difference in financial compensation ?
b) Because the technologies covered make sense from a personal growth?
My take is -
for item a - really no one cares as long as you are SCEA , they aren't very concern it is the older version
for item b -- well of all the newer technologies JSF is the only one we are adopting widely is my take. EJB 3 isn't taking off , and as for the ORM the open source dominates the field. So again not much value...
Your opinions guys .........???
I think they are just a way to make money by Sun. think about it, if you get on the cert merry-go-round, you need to keep them all up to date. Every year.
The benefit to them is that they can brag "1,000,000 certified professionals!", but in the end, the $150 we spend to write the exam? How much does the testing center take?
I don't think Sun is getting rich of the SCJA cert process.
Originally posted by James Clark:
It isn't one certification process. It is many certification processes, year after year after year. This may not make Sun rich, but is a consistent revenue stream.
K.P.Thottam (K.P.T)<br /> <br />Sun Certified Enterprise Architect,TOGAF 8 Certified,Certified Information System security Professional (CISSP),SCJDWS,SCWCD,SCJP,MCP
SCJP2<br /> <br /><a href="http://www.primeguru.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Share Your Personal Experiences</a>
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