Hi folks,
I started on part 2 assignment around three months back.I have been in a deadlock kind of situation and unable to move ahead to create component diagram.
Please help me to clear my doubts on following points:
1. I am using StarUML tool to create sequence diagrams.Please suggest is it the correct tool for the assignment
2.I have created a class diagrams having around 19 classes(I hope count of classes is okay) and I have used Interfaces(to shown Transmaster system as a interface) and classes inhereting them. Is it okay to have model the System interfaces like Transmaster System communicating with other objects like Payment through interface.
3.Is it okay to have just 4 sequence diagram per use case mentioned in the asignment(FlyByNight operator assignment) and not showing else conditions in the sequence diagram or should I be creating more and separate sequence diagram showing else condition also.
4.Since I am using UML 1.1 for my assignment, I have been struggling to show how to call another use case from once use case.Presently I am putting a note to show that other use case will be executed here.
Please suggest if this is right approach with UML 1.1 ?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hoping to get reply soon...
k.k sharma