posted August 13, 2004 07:08 AM
>(I shall have to go look at your product, once I start up again with >teaching myself Japanese, when I get around to trying to learn Kanji. >Hmmm....)
I'ts a fascinating language. It does take a lot of perseverence to master it - I'm still working on it.
>Well, for starters, porting from Access to MySQL shouldn't be too hard, >more a matter of designing the tables and doing an ODBC transfer. (It's >do-able - I've done it before.) Just fyi.
It was actually even easier than that - I found a free tool to do the
conversions automatically.
>As for the other question - I for one would love to see a Java version, >both SE and ME (I use, personally, a PocketPC when I roam). I think you'd >probably have to think about what you'd use for the database when you move >over to the J2ME platform, though, which probably would color how you plan >the project out in its entirety.... though it's certainly still doable if >you build it with interfaces that can be swapped in and out for the UI and >database.
I thought mySql would be a good candidate for all 3 platforms. One problem
with the run everywhere is that it may not run *well* anywhere. On
my inititial iteration of the J2SE version, the search pop-up initially
comes up far slower then the comparable function in Access. I'll probably
have to do some procedure whereby it can display while still loading.
The other problem is it's very difficult to replicate the advanced functionality of an Access combo box in Swing. Specifically having the combo box advance in its selection list to the
word which matches the
string being entered, as it's being entered. You'd think this would be easy, but it is far from it. All I've managed so far is a match on the
first latter.
>I think it'd be worth getting SCMAD, or at the very least studying for it >in this context. But that's just me.
?Hope this helps at all.
Yes it does, very much. It's good to review ideas, I had a couple of thought while writing my response.