Finally I built it up using CLDC 1.0 with MIDP 2.0, compiling is OK, preverify is OK, then I jared it, the book 'Learning Wireless
Java' said make a manifest file as well, I don't know what do I need for a manifest file, so i ignored it, then I made a jad file, but when I run it(emulator), it told me something is missing: MIDlet-Name, in the manifest file, so I add it, then 'MIDlet-Vendor', 'MIDlet-Version', 'MIDlet-Configuration', 'MIDlet-Profile', for 'MIDlet-Configuration', i wrote 'CLDC-1.0', for 'MIDlet-Profile', i wrote 'MIDP-2.0', but when I emulate it, the phone appeared on my screen, and I could choose the app, but when I 'launch' it, I got a long long list of code (i think it's byte code) in the command line window, there's a line said "Warning: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Bad Version Information.", I suppose there's a text 'Hello, world!' on the phone's screen, but... so what's wrong?
[ December 01, 2004: Message edited by: HaoZhe XU ]