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SCMAD - WhizLabs Preparation Critique

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I have been preparing for my SCMAD for a few months now, reading Jonathon's book and writing little emulator programs for practice. As with any Sun Certification, I always top off my studying with an exam simulator, with Whizlab being the most prominent.

I purchased the Whizlab simulator without much of an issue. However, it didn't let me print out an invoice for the purchase, which was annoying.

The software installed fine on my system, and I eagerly started it up.

The aesthetics of the software are quite nice. The colors are vibrant, and it looks well organized on the surface. The fact that it's a Macromedia Flash application was a little surprising, but I thought "what the heck, if it works, good for them". Sadly, this is NOT the case.

The drag and drop questions are HORRIBLE, at least on my system. They don't line up, and a few times, they don't even drag and drop! Furthermore, the d&d screens are the silliest things I've ever seen; there are no horizontal scroll bars and the screens can't be expanded. You have to use their little "frame adjuster" to see the question or the answers, XOR style; you can look at the whole question, or the whole answers, just not both at the same time.

I also found many compilation errors and spelling mistakes. I'd estimate the purely wrong questions (i.e. one's that will not compile or are just plain wrong) at 10% of the overall questions. It certainly "feels" that way. That's a low level of quality for an exam simulator, IMO. One percent error is barely tolerable for a simulator that is supposed to be preparing you for the real thing.

In fact, the d&d questions are so bad, I eventually stopped doing them entirely because I felt it was a waste of time to fight with that poor interface. I just reviewed the correct answer at the end of the exam to make sure I understood the concepts.

Another beef is when you mark a question, it doesn't show you which ones you marked at the end of the exam in a table so that you can go back and review them individually. You have to troll, and the one's that were previously marked are not even indicated! Maybe I'm missing something, but it wouldn't work on my system :-)

So, the general experience with the interface and the question quality is extremely low. I feel that I should be getting paid to do Q/A on this product, or just for the suffering I had to go through with it.

I'm surprised. Their SCBCD and SCWCD simulators were great! I think they need to go back to the non-Flash software and make sure that they post a revision for their software quickly. They've had months to do this; it's intolerable.

However, I want to give credit where credit is due. The exam simulator, aside from it's numerous problems, focuses the student on areas of weakness. After taking the different tests, it made me appreciate the specs a lot more, and clarified a bunch of stuff for me. I now understand JTWI, CLDC and PushRegistry far better than I would have with Jonathon's book alone. The exam simulator is a good tool for preparing for this exam because it keeps you focused on the objectives and reminds you of the kinds of curveballs that could be thrown at you during the real thing.

Now, my initial scores in this simulator are not very high. I can pass most of the canned tests the first time, but just barely; I have certainly failed a few of them on my first shot, but typically by 2 or 3 questions. After I review a test, I can then usually increase my score to about 85% or higher, which is confidence building. I doubt I could get 100% on any test because of the poor quality of the software; I don't think it's possible.

I have the final test on the simulator to take. Once I have completed that and reviewed the areas where I feel that I'm weak, I'll book my SCMAD. If I pass, I will give credit to:

Jonathon Knudsen's "Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME" (for GUI design, GCF, game programming and MMAPI)
WhizLab's SCMAD exam simulator
JWTI JSR Spec (complete)
CLDC 1.1 JSR Spec (complete)
WMA 1.1 JSR Spec (complete)
MIDP 2.0 JSR Spec (key pieces, like RMS, PushRegistry, etc)

I looked at the MMAPI docs, but I found that Jonathon did a good job covering it in his book, so I didn't focus too much on the JSR specs (which should be in a PDF format, IMO, but aren't).

If I DO fail the SCMAD on my first try (which I honestly don't think will happen, but you never know), I will definately take up Whizlabs on their money back guarantee.

I'll be sure to let the forum know how I do!

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hi jason

what do u think ,
is there any use of these wizlab simulators.
or just wastage of money.
there are many free test available on the net,
i am preparing for scwcd.
if i buy wizlab simulator, will i pass the exam.
they give 150% assurance,
is it all fake , just to sell their product.
anyone please tell ,
is these simulators really helful or not.
Jason Mowat
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Hey Harish,

I think that their Web Component, Business Component and Programmer exams are top notch, and I recommend them.

If you are comfortable with the material, the WhizLabs programmer and web component exams might not be necessary, although they do get you thinking. I would rely on those exams if you want to take the exam sooner, as it will truly get you focused on areas you need to pass the real thing.

As for the business component exam, I don't think I would have passed it with the mark I got purely from HFEJB (92%). I attribute the WhizLabs exam to increasing my success in that area.

Good luck!

Jason Mowat
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I would like to post a retraction about my endorsement for Whizlabs products. I made a mistake by stating I used Whizlabs as my study material for my previous certifications. That was not true. I used EnthuWare products.

I have had no prior experience with WhizLabs, aside from my experience with their SCMAD simulator.

If EnthuWare were to come out with a SCMAD simulator, I would have surely bought it from them instead. For more information, see their web page.

Again, I found the WhizLabs SCMAD simulator helpful, but it is my first time using their products.

Sorry for the confusion!

harish goyal
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hi jason

for scwcd what will u suggest with your personnal
enthruware or whizlab
i think u know about enthruware.as u said
if possible please tell somthing , about using enthruware. experience
when u preparing for scwcd
Jason Mowat
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From experience, I got my SCWCD certification purely from studing the book SCWCD Exam Study Kit: Java Web Component Developer Certification by Hanumant Deshmukh and Jignesh Malavia.

Now that SCWCD is at 1.4, the programmers at my work successfully used HF JSPs and Servlets and the EnthuWare simulator to get fairly high marks on their certification. They said nice things about it.

I would recommend EnthuWare over WhizLabs personally from my experience with their EJBPlus product (which I used to get my SCBCD certification) and from my experience with WhizLab's SCMAD simulator.

Get the simulator a week before you plan on writing the test, and go through a bunch of tests. They will get your mind focused on the exam and I'm sure you'll get a great mark.

Good luck!

harish goyal
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thanks jason
for giving me reply
and your valuable advice.
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Hi Jason,

I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with the simulator. While others have complained about issues here and there (in this forum as well as in the WhizLabs forum), they have been fairly minor and were fixed pretty quickly.

My personal experience is that the WhizLabs guys are fairly responsive and would be glad to help you with the software itself. I believe they recently upgraded their simulator engine. So, you might want to confirm with the tech guys over there.

If you can give specific details on the wrong questions, it will definitely help us fix the errors and also help others who have purchased the software.

In the process of writing around 350 questions that are present in the simulator, it is certainly possible that there may be few errors that might've been overlooked and I do apologize for that.

Hope you get good grades in the exam!
Jason Mowat
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Hi Sathya,

Thanks for the encouragement!

I think that your posting on your blog regarding SCMAD preparation tips was quite useful, and you obviously have a clear writing style, as illustrated in your study notes. I also think that the SCMAD certification by WhizLabs is doing what it needs to do: prepare me for the exam. However, I do feel the need to challenge you regarding a few of your statements. Please don't take them personally; criticism helps you grow!

"...While others have complained about issues here and there (in this forum as well as in the WhizLabs forum), they have been fairly minor and were fixed pretty quickly..."

I find that statement difficult to believe. The number of glaring errors in MY version of the SCMAD simulator (6.0.1 full) indicates that the "minor" issues have NOT been fixed. Like I said, there are GLARING errors, not little "semantically" incorrect errors.

"...I believe they recently upgraded their simulator engine. So, you might want to confirm with the tech guys over there..."

Perhaps. However, I just bought the simulator last week. If they upgraded in the last week I could certainly understand why, considering the low quality of this product. However, if they upgraded to THIS version, I shake my head at the Q/A guy who OK'd this release.

"...If you can give specific details on the wrong questions, it will definitely help us fix the errors and also help others who have purchased the software..."

You know what, I'd be happy to. However, as it's a Flash application, I can't copy and paste the errors to address them here, in this forum. I tried using the "submit feedback" feature, but was promptly informed by the WhizLabs mail server that my domain was black listed. This is becuase I run my own mail server on a dynamic IP, I'm imagining. However, that level of paranoia is going to cost you the valuable feedback you desire :-)

"...In the process of writing around 350 questions that are present in the simulator, it is certainly possible that there may be few errors that might've been overlooked and I do apologize for that..."

There's no need to apologize. As the creator, I think you did an excellent job with the content. I feel the simulator IS doing it's job, and for that you should be proud. However, there is some software issues that really should have been addressed before releasing it to the market.

I would suggest that you simply download the application off the site, do the review exam, the 3 practice exams and the final exam, and look at them as if you were writing your SCJP certification. With that mindset, I'm confident that you would be able to identify most of the problems yourself quite quickly. I'd do if for you, but then I'd have to bill WhizLabs for my time ;-)

"...Hope you get good grades in the exam!"

Again, thanks for the vote of confidence. I think that the simulator is doing a fine job of identifying areas when I am weak. It also has encouraged me to study specific parts of the various specifications, and for that I'm extremely thankful.

I'm sure with your input and obvious desire to the the WhizLabs SCMAD simulator become the best thing on the market bearing your name, that it will be amazing in its next version!

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Hey Jason,

While I think there is some good feedback in ypur last post, I'd ask you to keep the 'be friendly' rule in mind

I think there's a level of griping that is best taken off line!


Jason Mowat
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Hi Bert,

I was trying to provide constructive feedback, but you are right, I was griping a bit :-) Sometimes it's hard to keep the emotion out when a customer has suffered a particularly bad experience.

The criticism is not so much targeted at an individual as it is on an experience. Sathya provided excellent notes, and I understand his feedback was attempting to resolve the problem and help me. I am thankful for that.

In the future, I'll attempt to take more of the "edge" off of my negative posts, as "...anger leads to the Dark Side" ;-)

Sathya Srinivasan
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Hi Jason,

I understand your desire to get your money's worth and agree with you on that. One of the issues is also that the content provider (me) and the software provider (WhizLabs) are quite different from a business perspective and geographical perspective.

As I don't have much say in the software itself, the best I can do is recommend suggestions and bring users' concerns I hear about to their attention. As with any software, I believe they have a set procedure to fix bugs in the software and notify users. I just wanted to clarify this as your mails seemed to imply that I work for WhizLabs (which I do not - I provided content for the software).

That said, I have seen that they have been fairly responsive during the time I worked with them and during the time when I was actively moderating their product forum. My comments previously were based on that experience.

That said, as per your suggestion, I will take a closer look at the software and will send my comments to the company.

Meanwhile, do feel free to post your comments/questions here so that everyone haunting this fourm can benefit from your experience.
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Hi There

I have to agree that the whizlabs exam simulator is of shocking quality.

Its not the content thats bad, the content is fine. Its the actual exam simulator engin!

Really its terrible - the old one before, which i used back in 2004 and early 2005 for my SCBCD and SCWCD where good.

But this new flash one - Oh my.

Its is shocking to think that it made it through whizlabs QA department - it obviously wasnt QA'ed or UAT'ed.

As stated previously - the drag and drops simply DONT WORK. - how did that get thgouhg QA !!! and various other things are wrong, like have to click twice on a chechbox to select it, and many many minor other probelms.

If i was a senior manager as whizlabs - i would stop the distribution of the new exam simulator engin and revert to the old one immediatly - Before it destorys the companies reputation further.
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sometimes when u r typing out all ur complains you just loose it and go psycho then will type anything nasty.
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i had also a bad experience with whizlab simulator
i bought khalid mudghal book with cd .
In cd , there was inbuilt whizlab simulator but i was not able to actiavate the simulator.
i tried so mank times , that cd gave unique license number also
when i tried automatically option , it gives error. invalid license
how it can be invalid license , it is given in book catalogue present on cd ,
and i dont know what they have made ucf file,
can anybody tell me what is ucf file ,
i found on the google , also many peoples face problem in actiavting the product .
this whizlabs company have made complex structure of whizlab simulator.
this problem is faced my many of my friends , who bought this book and was unable to use simulator .
does anyone tell me waht is the procedure to actiavting the product,
and how to activate the product by ucf file ,
now i am preparing for scbcd , and i want simulator,
but bcoz of this all i dont want to choose whizlab product
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Dear All,


My name is Shweta Bashani and I represent Whizlabs Software. First I would like apologize for not responding to this post earlier. But let me assure you that your honest critique has been noticed since the beginning of this post and I would like to take it as an opportunity to improve our products, offerings and processes for our current and future users.

For Jason Mowat:
I would like to apologize for any inconvenience you have faced using our SCMAD product. I take full responsibility for the same but simultaneously would like to draw your attention to few points. As regard content issues, our new simulator allows you to send across a question specific feedback instantly, which I am sure you will be aware of since you have used the product. For the technical issues you have mentioned, I have intimated my Technical Team to look into it URGENTLY. Since we never received a mail from you for support regarding any content/technical issue, my Product Release Manager would mail you to understand the problem and provide a workaround for the problem.

Our new Simulator V6 has been developed using the feedback received from our customers for almost 4 years. I do understand that it may not conform to what one or two individuals need but at the time I am sure all of us will understand that it is developed to cater to the requirement of the majority.

Whizlabs stands beside all its products with its Unconditional 150% Test Pass Guarantee. This guarantee is not fake and never in our history have any of our customers complained of not receiving a refund as per policy. If you are unable to clear the exam we will refund the full amount that you spent on the product and give you 50% off on a future purchase of any certification exam simulator.

I would like to thank all of you who have taken time out to give valuable feedback for me to look into. We will try incorporating the points you have provided as much as possible.

At the same time I would like to make a request here. I agree to Bert Bates when he said to 'be friendly' on the forum, because I feel that a constructive criticism can go a long way in contributing to the other�s improvement. To add further, portraying a different picture than what authentically is there may give us momentary satisfaction, but I am sure it does not benefit any one in the community, be it a user or a provider.

Anytime you have a complaint/suggestion/comment/objection it would really help if we are the first to be intimated. We are always present to assist you but will require your co-operation to do so.

Please write to [email protected] or directly to me at [email protected] and I would be more than happy to resolve your concerns.

Look forward to serve you!

Regards and best wishes,
Shweta Bashani
Manager-Product Marketing & Development
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J2Mecertificate.com is an alternative to SCMAD Whizlabs

Check it out at http://j2mecertificate.com
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Anytime you have a complaint/suggestion/comment/objection it would really help if we are the first to be intimated. We are always present to assist you but will require your co-operation to do so.

Why would that help? Aren't we allowed to talk to other people to warn them before spending money?
Sathya Srinivasan
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Originally posted by Nobuhiro Watsuki:

Why would that help? Aren't we allowed to talk to other people to warn them before spending money?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when it comes to a product, you have to remember that one bad word makes much more damage than 100 good ones. For sake of courtesy, it is only fair that the user should first try to see if the company is responsive in their support and if they are able to make corrections when notified of a problem.

Think about it this way. Let's say you write a program and sell it to a bunch of people. Let us also assume that your program had an issue (rectifiable, but nevertheless there). How would you feel if your customer starts posting messages everywhere that your product is bad without bothering to contact you? It is only fair that you expect your customer to contact you first about a problem in the product to see if it can be fixed quickly before it is made into an issue.

The good thing about the Internet is that everyone can express their opinion freely without any censorship. But the bad thing is that some people do it too quickly.

As Spiderman said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'. As an Internet user, we are entitled to the greatest power of having information at our fingertips and our ability to share it with others. But at the same time, it has to be done judiciously, ensuring that it does not harm others. I believe that's what others were referring to also when they meant by 'being friendly'.
Jason Mowat
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Hi Sathya,

I think you're absolutely right. When somebody posts a scathing review about a product without first trying to contact the company to rectify the problem, it's passive-aggressive behavior.

I would like to point out that I did first try to contact Whizlabs about the problems I was experiencing with their product. However, due to a technical configuration on the Whizlabs side, I was unable to communicate with them via email. My next best alternative was JavaRanch.

I would like to point out that I wasn't intending on performing "Whizlab bashing" because of their product quality. I was communicating my experiences while trying to pursue my SCMAD certification. If you read my posts, I also say good things as well.

I've held off posting in this thread because it's turned into a bit of a flame war against Whizlabs. However, my reccomendation to those reading this post is this: if you have problems, first go to the source before launching a negative marketing campaign against them. As well, companies should pay special attention to the quality of released products so as to avoid these situations from occuring in the first place.

Nobuhiro Watsuki
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As Spiderman said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that Spidermans' grandpa who said that?
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Yeah I also just bought the whizlabs simulator.It costs too high but the software doesn't work itself.Dreag and drops don't work at all.Please help.
Sathya Srinivasan
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Originally posted by Nobuhiro Watsuki:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that Spidermans' grandpa who said that?

Well, technically it was Spiderman's uncle, but I hope you didn't miss the forest for the tree.

Jason, I agree. As much as the responsibility lies with the purchaser to try to contact the company before griping on the Internet, the company should also ensure that it provides easy access to their support staff, provide appropriate and quick feedback, and most importantly resolve the issue quickly to the customer's satisfaction.

My comments are aimed in general at people who purchase or use either open-source or closed-source software some of who tend to go to the Internet with their experiences before making an honest attempt, without realizing the power of the Internet and it's ability to destroy a company's reputation as much as it brings popularity.
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Dear Sathya,

I am afraid that I completely disagree with you. There are issues with software that is why everyplace I have worked at has an intense testing cycle both internally and with the customer, UAT.

One can never rule out all faults in a complex application, but when a company is bold enough to ask for money, then its product really shouldn't be ridden with faults. And it is entirely within someone's right to criticise a product they have purchased openly and publicly. One can only hope they are being fair.

Perhaps certain companies are only responsive in the face of large scale public criticism.
Nobuhiro Watsuki
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Well, technically it was Spiderman's uncle

Apologies to Stan Lee!
Rashmi Singh
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To whizlabs people,

I heard so good things about the sfotware that I bought it and my exam is on 23 november.Now near about all the drag drop has problems.I am really sad about this.Please give me link of the software which works fine.Old version is also fine right now.Please tell me what should I do.I ordered CD also and has not come.

Thanking you

Pradeep Chopra
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Hi All,

Greetings once again.

Thanks to all for providing a continued critique for Whizlabs Product.

For Rashmi:
I am sorry but your name or order details are not available in my sales database. Moreover we have not received any mail from you requesting any support or intimating us of any issue/problem you are facing. I hope you will agree that Whizlabs or any company can not comprehend individual customer�s problems and help them until and unless it is intimated of problems. I would request you to write to us with the issues you are facing along with your purchase details so that my team can assist you in using the product and preparing for the certification. Your Success is important to us.

I can personally vouch for the Customer Support/Service provided by Whizlabs, since I head it myself. We do not wait for large scale public criticism to decide our responses.

My request remains the same to all of you who buy and use our products. Please contact us at [email protected] in case required. You can reach me directly on my id [email protected] for any further assistance.

Looking forward to serve you!

Regards and best wishes,
Shweta Bashani
Manager-Product Marketing & Development
Rashmi Singh
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Whizlabs Team,

Yeah I got my CD.Sorry for that.I got it little late but I have got that so it;s fine.Only the drag drop is problem in the simulator actually.The content covers everything So content is fine.Only little bit of improvement in drag drop will correct situation.


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