Hello Kathy and all
EJB Developers!
My question is:
In this statement: �A client can pass a local home object reference to another application through its local interface.�
What does �...through its local interface� mean?
Does it mean a local home object reference CAN be passed by one of the methods defined in its local interface?
Thank you very much!
EJB Specs:
6.7.2 References to session object local interfaces:
It is invalid to reference a session object that does not exist. Attempted invocations on a session object
that does not exist result in javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException.
A reference to a session object�s local interface (i.e., a session EJBLocalObject) must not be passed out
of the JVM in which it was created. A client can pass a local home object reference to another application
through its local interface. A local home object reference cannot be passed as an argument or result
of a method on an enterprise bean�s remote home or remote interface.
[ May 22, 2003: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
[ May 22, 2003: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
[ May 22, 2003: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]