More ducks!
Can anyone guess why this one is batch #11 ? What happened to batches 4 - 10 ?
See the disclaimers for batches 2 and 3.
#1 Which two are true about container managed transactions in
EJB 2.0? (Choose all that apply.)
a). Differentiating between overloaded methods is possible in the bean's deployment descriptor.
b). A transactional attribute must be individually declared in the method-name tag, for every business method in the bean class.
c). The container will interpose only on method invocations with container-managed transaction demarcation.
d). If an 'onMessage' method returns before committing a transaction the container will throw an exception.
e). A message-driven bean with CMT demarcation must not invoke the EJBContext.getUserTransaction method.
#2 When a business method in an entity bean calls the getRollbackOnly method, which transaction attribute settings will cause the container to throw an exception? (Choose all that apply.)
a). NotSupported
b). Required
c). Supports
d). RequiresNew
e). Mandatory
f). Never
#3 When a session bean has container-managed demarcation value of 'Supports', which two methods run in an unspecified transaction context? (Choose two.)
a). ejbActivate
b). getRollbackOnly
c). getUserTransaction
d). ejbRemove
e). afterBegin
f). afterCompletion
Have Fun !