Just finished the exam.
Had some problems - DnD questions didn't work. There were atleast such 20 questions. System froze in the middle. Wasasked to reboot the machine once in the middle.
There were more than 10 questions on
EJB query language. Straight forward questions directly from the specs.
There were lot of questions from Deployment Descriptor. Pay more attention to application assembler's responsibilities in the deployment descriptor.
As Kathy mentioned before some questions were indirect based on some direct facts. I am getting tempted to quote some questions ....
Lots and lots of questions directly and indirectly from excpetion handling. Sometimes the same questions asked with different language and slightly different context.
Lot of tranaction handling questions.
Questions from lifecycles of session, entity and message driven beans - differences between SF and SL session beans - straight questions.
I had to hurry towards the last 50 questions.
I managed to give my feedback on the exam - very short timeline and the pressure to take the
test at the earliest to be in the first 400 et. al.
On the whole a very satisfying two weeks of preparation.
Thanks Kathy, Evelyn and all the folks here.
And good luck to those who are going to take the test.