Appeared the exam a few hours ago. The exam was not easy, especially for me as I don't have any project experience on
EJB. There are lots of questions regarding the interfaces, classes, exceptions and deployment descriptor etc. Knowing the syntaxes or hands on practice is needed. And I also could not answer a few Drag and Drop questions like you all, even though my PC O/S was Windows 2000 Professional.
I was in time pressure from the very beginning, but I think that was only because I took lot time for the first 20/30 questions. I did not get bored or tired during the exam as it was a very interesting exam experience. I used logical approach rather than trying to remember points in many quesetions. Even during time pressure I put comments on a few questions.
I only went through Ed Roman's book (first 11 chapters) and had a two hours' quick look at spec morning today. But I encourage others to go through the spec for a week (you can't afford to wait one week from now if you don't want to loose the train for 400 passengers
). During my preparation I followed the ranch discussions and collected them in a single document with mocks and related info for all our's sake. It was helpful for me to understand the topics within a short time.
Best of luck to my following exam-takers.