Ashik Uzzaman
Director of Engineering, Twin Health, Mountain View, CA, USA
Originally posted by Cathy Vierra:
Yeh Guys, Questions are of new value without the answers.
Post them to make Cowmistress happy.
Originally posted by Rangarajan Suresh:
1) Which will survive an EJB server crash? (choose all that apply)
A) Stateful session bean instances
B) Stateless session bean instances
C) Message-driven bean instances
D) An entity bean's primary key
E) An entity
F) A local client is guaranteed to have access to the getters and setters of a CMP bean's persistent fields.
Originally posted by Kathy Sierra:
Howdy, here are several questions that should help you get ready for the exam. To make them a little more difficult, I am not telling you how many answers are correct, but rest assured that the REAL exam *will* tell you (choose two, etc.)
1) Which will survive an EJB server crash? (choose all that apply)
A) Stateful session bean instances
B) Stateless session bean instances
C) Message-driven bean instances
D) An entity bean's primary key
E) An entity
2) Which are guaranteed by EJB 2.0?
A) Server crashes will be transparent to entity bean clients.
B) Server crashes will be transparent to stateless session bean clients.
C) You can do synchronous message handling through message-driven beans.
D) You can have both a local and remote client view for stateless session beans.
E) You can have both a local and remote client view for entity beans.
F) You can have both a local and remote client view for message-driven beans.
G) You can have nested transactions in stateful session beans using BMT.
3) Which APIs are provided by the container?
E) JavaMail
4) Given this declaration in the DD:
assuming the rest of it is filled in correctly, WHO is responsible for supplying this info?
A) App Assembler
B) Deployer
C) Bean Provider
5) Given this code:
try {
Advice a = aHome.create();
Handle aHandle = a.getHandle();
} catch (Exception ex) {...}
which are true? (assume everything compiles and works correctly)
A) aHandle must be Serializable.
B) Advice must extend EJBHome
C) The object referenced by aHandle is from a class implemented by the container
D) The Bean Provider implemented the aHome.create() method.
E) getHandle() declares a RemoteException
F) Handle extends java.rmi.Remote
G) The object referenced by 'a' IS-A java.rmi.Remote
Ans A,C,D
6) Which are true about Session bean passivation?
A) Passivation always uses Serialization.
B) A bean can be removed even while in a passivated state.
C) A bean can be passivated even while in a transaction.
D) Both stateless and stateful session beans can be passivated.
E) A UserTransaction reference cannot be passivated.
F) A 'Connection' reference cannot be passivated.
G) A resource manager connection factory reference cannot be passivated.
H) A reference to a bean's privated JNDI environment can be passivated.
I) A null reference can be passivated.
J) Under some circumstances, the bean might be passivated *without* getting an ejbPassivate method call.
7) Which must NOT be invoked on a bean's EJBContext until AFTER the execution of the setSessionContext method in a stateless session bean using CMT?
A) getEJBLocalHome
B) getEJBObject
C) getUserTransaction
D) getCallerPrincipal
E) isCallerInRole
F) setRollbackOnly
G) getRollbackOnly
H) getEJBLocalObject
8) Which are true about entity beans?
A) A client can get the beans primary key by calling a method defined in javax.ejb.EJBObject
B) A local client can remove a bean using either the component or home interface of the bean.
C) A remote client can remove a bean using either the component or home interface of the bean.
D) A local client is guaranteed to find at least ONE create() method in the bean's home interface.
E) A remote client is guaranteed to find at least ONE create() method in the bean's component interface.
F) A local client is guaranteed to have access to the getters and setters of a CMP bean's persistent fields.
OK, go have fun. Those who immediately know all the answers, please try to pose more questions rather than just giving the answers... for the benefit of those here who are yet to take the exam (or aren't as certain that they indeed passed the beta).
Are you well-encapsulated? Show the world with your Head First Java boxer shorts.
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect For J2EE<br />Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE 1.3<br />Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the J2EE Platform<br />Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4<br />IBM WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Single Server Edition for Multiplatforms, V4.0
-----------------------<br />William W Silva<br />SCJP<br />SCWCD<br />SCBCD
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