Howdy John,
Yeah, this is confusing. According to the OID for stateless beans, you're right it DOES show that a *new* EJBObject is created for the stateless bean client. But the whole issue of stateless bean
EJB objects is a little strange, since the EJB object is available during ejbCreate() even though there IS no client... at that point. In reality, most implementations will not actually make a new EJB object, but we're not supposed to know that, so we should not have said it like that in the book.
But... I can promise that you are NOT tested on this part
The only thing you MUST know for the exam, with respect to EJB objects and stateless beans, is that the bean DOES have access to it's component interface during ejbCreate(), but calling getEJBObject or getEJBLocalOBject, even though that reference is not yet tied to a client.
cheers and good catch,