In headfirst chapter 6 mock exam question one is as follows.
1. What's true for a bean provider when creating an entity bean using container-managed persistence?
The solution given is
C. When implementing a one-to-many relationship, the java.util.List interface must not be used.
What is meant by a one-to-many relationship in this context? If possible give an example. Why is there a question about relationships in chapter 6, when entity bean relationships are not covered until chapter 7??? Isn't this question a bit premature?
In the solution to question 16 on page 371 the note say that the bean needs to be loaded because it may have cascading deletes to take care of. I'm not sure why this is the case. Someone please elaborate on this point.
What is meant by question 18 which reads:
Which method(s) run in the transaction context ofthe method that cuses their invocation?
Please explain in laymen terms, keeping in mind at all times that I am an absolute begginer to this subject.
Thanks for your help.
[ December 06, 2003: Message edited by: Keith Rosenfield ]
[ December 06, 2003: Message edited by: Keith Rosenfield ]