Actucally what i really confuse is .........
1. In both statful and statless session beans, the specification claimed that accessing resource manager and EJB is disallowed when there is no "meaningfull transaction context" OR "client Security Context".
(page 81 & page 91)
2. However, as you can see, stateful session bean allowed accessing the above objects in ejbCreate(), ejbRemove() and ......
But it was disallowed in statless session bean's ejbCreate() & ejbRemove().
3. I don't understand why statless and stateful session bean is different in this way. Does it means that statless session bean DON'T have "meaningful transaction context"? I am totally disagree about this because you can specify "transaction" method in statless session beans also. Am i correct?
So, what is the reason behind the differece of accessing ability of ejbCreate(), ejbRemove()... methods in statless and stateful session bean? Is it releated to the client security Context?