Thank you very much your help.
I have posted my score, my preparation in the Certification Results section.
I will paste the same here for you.
I strongly recommend taking SCJD. It has surely increased my confidence.
Now I am gearing up to take SCBCD in two months time
Hi friends
My long wait for SCJD result is finally over.
My preparation included the following books and links:
SCJD Exam with J2SE 1.4 - Mehran Habibi
The book is very good and i highly recommend it for SCJD.
Java Developer's Handbook - Philip Heller
This book is also very good. The articles by Allan on threading are very good Without javaranch it was impossible for me to pass this exam. Thanks to the explanations given by Philip, Andrew, Ken, and many more.
Last but not the least i used softSCJD simulator to gain confidence. It was of great help in writing the locking and search code and in writing the design decisions. Though i did not use it extensively, I thank them for giving me the simulator for review.
It is time to do some EJB